The Believe House
Welcome to The Believe House! An official Salvation Army donation location. The RED KETTLE IS REAL! Thank you for your support! Our display is static, meaning you will not find many moving parts nor "dancing lights"to music. Our neighbors would faint, or move! TRUE! We hope that when you visit you'll find a bit of magic here, along with a twist of nostalgia for kids of all ages. While a static display is very traditional and reminiscent of Christmas past... we mix in many modern elements and bright LED lights! You'll find your favorite characters here from 1960-70's television holiday special programing classics along side the worlds biggest Elf on the Shelf. Commercially made pieces are nestled with many made by hand. Some are brand new, and some are very old. Our favorite pieces are the ones that we created together as a family. Some years ago Downtown Naperville featured gingerbread people for the winter public art display. Well, we loved that so much we made two of our own! Kay and Ray Gingers' names (and even facial expressions) were inspired by my parents a.k.a. Grandma and Grandpa. So of course, they are our sentimental favorite! We also love Santa here, so make sure to check out who you might spy walking around in our magic window! And last but not least, around our corner is our beloved nativity scene to remember the real meaning of Christmas to all that visit or drive by our home. There is something for everyone! We hope you like it.

Please Enjoy
Our Display
Thanksgiving thru
New Year's Eve
Over-night on Christmas Eve
630 Vicksburg Court
Naperville, IL
Merry Christmas!
Our Family
Hello Neighbors!
We are Kevin, Debbie, Megan, Charlie and Ruby... Merry Christmas! We have lived in Naperville over 30 years and in this house for over 20. For much of that time, our Christmas display consisted if a blow mold Santa and reindeer set. Since then, we've gone a little Christmas crazy. Others think so, too. We get some snickers, and sadly have even received hate mail. Because of the hate mail, we did install a surveillance camera system, so give us a smile and a wave when you visit. We can see you! XOXO. More powerful then hate; however, is LOVE my friends. Isn't that what this time of year is all about after all? THANK YOU to the countless neighbors, friends and community members we've never even met that have thanked us for what we do and have supported our efforts to boost donations for The Salvation Army. It is so heartwarming, you have no idea. You make us smile! We love Christmas, and we love YOU! We look forward to celebrating Christmas in Naperville with you for many years to come.
Peace & Love!